In summer 2024, YouthServe's Executive Director, Jennifer Hatchett, was walking the streets of Atlanta when a beautiful art installation caught her eye. It was a large window display of a butterfly made up of smaller butterflies (pictured above). She loved how the art piece captured the beauty of community, and knew she wanted to create something like it closer to home.
After sharing the idea with YouthServe's staff, they decided to make an art installation that is not only beautiful, but also invites the Birmingham community to share messages of hope for our city and the youth leaders who are working towards change. Thus, the Change is Beautiful campaign was born—and now YOU can be a part of it!
From now through March 2025, you can sponsor a butterfly with your name or your child’s name and a short message of hope (e.g., Jane Doe - YAC Senior 2025, or John Doe - “Be Kind”), for $100. This money will go toward YouthServe programs, helping to keep them free and available for all youth in the city.
Sponsor your butterfly today by clicking the "Sponsor a Butterfly" button on the right side of this page! After your butterfly is purchased, you will receive an email with a form to submit your message of hope.
In March 2025, YouthServe will partner with local art non-profit, Studio by the Tracks, to install hundreds of butterflies on the YouthServe office windows, with the names and messages on each. We will also have a QR code that links to all the names and messages (and will feature full-length messages as well). The installation will remain on display for 1 year.
Our hope for this art installation is that everyone who walks into or passes by the YouthServe office will be reminded of the beauty that comes when people have hope for their community and work together for change. Join this project and this movement by clicking "Sponsor a Butterfly" today!